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Color Diamonds Green | Fancy Color Diamonds Green
“Hope, Harmony, Health, Life, Nature and Earth.”
“Green will let you feel fresh, healthy, hopeful”
“Green is also the color of self-respect, perseverance, authority and autonomy”

Fancy Color GREEN Diamonds
Symbolism and meaning of green diamonds
- Green is the color of nature: lush grass and fresh leaves are green
- Symbol for life itself, for naturalness, fertility, hope and harmony.
- Freshness and health
- Environmental awareness
- Perseverance, authority and autonomy
- Personally, the color green stands for self-respect and a high claim to validity or dignity
- Many people associate green with prosperity, freedom and safety (green emergency exits, green traffic lights, etc.).
Characteristics of green diamonds
- Rarity
- extremely rare, belong to the rarest (after red)
- African and South American mines, including mines in Brazil, Guyana and Venezuela
- Farb-Ursache
sehr einzigartiger Prozess aller anderen Diamanten mit Fancy Color- Penetration of high energy radiation
→ radioactive elements such as uranium or thorium
natural radiation → produces outer skin or surface of green color
(unusual for green color to reach deep inside a diamond).
Green color obtained by the rocks emitting radioactive elements such as uranium or thorium → radioactive elements react with the crystal lattice structure of the diamond and deposit on the outer layer of the diamond. Normally, these radioactive elements do no harm, because the diamond is stabilized in many cases. - Presence of nitrogen, hydrogen and nickel
→ Carbon atoms are knocked out of their position in the diamond crystal lattice - selectively absorbs red light and selectively transmits green light
- Penetration of high energy radiation
- Different tones:
- Forest Green
- Olive Green
- bright neon green
- Häufige Sekundärfarben
Grün ist die Farbe zwischen Blau und Gelb- brownish-green
- grey-green
- yellowish-green
- bluish-green
- Price range Mine diamonds
- High
- Most valuable / most expensive =
- green mined diamonds are extremely rare and valuable
- rein Green (ohne Sekundärfarben) -> reiner Farbton
→ Je intensiver/satter die Farbe, desto mehr Wert- Fancy Intense Green
- Fancy Deep Green
- Fancy Vivid Green
- paired with other really rare colors with highest saturation, e.g. Fancy Vivid Blue-Green
Classification of green fancy color diamonds
- Faint Green
- Very Light Green
- Light Green
- Fancy Light Green
- Fancy Green
- Fancy Intense Green
- Fancy Dark Green
- Fancy Deep Green
- Fancy Vivid Green
Color of green diamonds is determined by three factors
- the type of irradiation to which the diamond has been exposed
- the duration of the irradiation
- the size
Alpha radiation tends to affect only the surface of diamonds, resulting in skin stones. Beta and gamma radiation, on the other hand, penetrate deeper into the stone, resulting in diamonds with a much greener color and uniform color distribution. Green mined diamonds derived from beta and gamma radiation are very special – incidents of this type occur less than 0.1% of the time.
Color of green diamonds, Color of green Fancy Color Diamonds
Fancy green diamonds are typically light in tone and low in saturation. Their color often appears muted, with a grayish or brownish cast. The shade generally belongs to the yellowish-green category. In most green diamonds, the hue is limited to the surface and rarely extends across the entire stone. Therefore, the grinders try to leave as much of the natural raw material around the belt as possible.
Diamond shape for green colored diamonds, Shape
The round shape tends to produce a lower color saturation → round green diamonds extremely rare and highly prized.
Most green diamonds can be cut into fancy shapes like radiants, cushions etc.
Green Lab Grown Diamonds and Green Mining Diamonds
Because of their rarity and the very real possibility of treatment, green diamonds are always viewed with suspicion and carefully studied in gemological laboratories. Nevertheless, advanced gemological tests cannot always determine the color origin of green diamonds.
The biggest challenge gemologists face today is finding an accurate way to tell the difference between a green mined diamond and a treated diamond. Green diamonds can be irradiated in a laboratory setting, making it nearly impossible to distinguish mined diamonds from treated stones. Often during the cutting and polishing process, a small amount of skin is left on a green diamond so that it can be identified as natural.
Famous green diamonds
Fancy color green diamonds are extremely rare and sought-after. Here are some famous examples:
- Dresden Green Diamond: A deep green diamond named after the city of Dresden in Germany. The Dresden Green Diamond weighs around 40.70 carats and is considered one of the largest green diamonds with intense color.
- Dresden Green: This diamond is not to be confused with the Dresden Green Diamond. The Dresden Green is a 41-carat diamond owned by the Grünes Gewölbe in Dresden, Germany. It is known for its vibrant green color.
While most green diamonds owe their color to the surface “skins”, the Dresden Green is uniformly green. - The Ocean Dream: This rare Fancy Vivid Blue-Green Diamond, also known as the Ocean Dream, was sold at auction by Sotheby’s in 2014. The diamond has a weight of 5.50 carats and is characterized by an unusual combination of blue and green color.
- The Moussaieff Green: An intense green diamond weighing 3.02 carats, known for its rich, uniform color and rarity value. It is one of the most expensive green diamonds on the market.
- The Green Star: This green diamond weighs 5.51 carats and is known for its vibrant green color. It was sold at a Sotheby’s auction in 2011.
- The Dresden Green Diamond Ring: Another remarkable piece from Dresden is a ring containing the Dresden Green Diamond. This diamond is of historical significance and shows the beauty of Fancy Color Green Diamonds.
It is important to note that green diamonds are among the rarest Fancy Color Diamonds, and large, intense green stones are particularly sought after. These diamonds often fetch high prices at auctions and are known in collections worldwide as exceptional gemstones.